"Our Mission Is To Spread The Joy And Relaxation To Create
With Your Hands."
About Charles and Elin
” In our increasingly stressed world of constant connectivity it’s essential to sometimes de-connect.
When you embroider by hand, the process allows you to do just that:
With the repetitive movements of pushing the needle up and down, your body literally relaxes stitch by stitch. “
It all started a sunny Monday in Paris October 2016…
“It was one of those moments when you just know your life will never be the same”
Charles and Elin met at a café close to Hôtel de Ville and they quickly realised they share the same passion and vision for arts and life.
Charles moved into Elin’s tiny 18m2 roof-top studio. The following months was a time of artistic exploration and development, as the artist couple shared their knowledge with each other.
It was the first time that Charles came in contact with the hand embroidery medium, and he was hooked. Charles in turn, with his background in drawing at Beaux Arts de Paris, encouraged Elin to turn her illustrations into embroideries.
The first embroidered illustration was this Architectural hand embroidery design in Paris.
Elin shared the image to her Instagram account @petronella.art, which soon got shared on numerous art pages.
The result was astonishing and kickstarted the couple’s joint artistic career. Following, the demand and interest for Charles and Elin grew at a rapid pace.
“The wave came and we jumped without a second thought”
Upon requests from their growing audience, they began to host workshops in local cafés in 2017. As a result of the workshop’s popularity, along with increasing demand from other creatives to learn more, they decided to give full-time artistry a serious go.
Today the artists are close to a collective online audience of 300 000 embroidery enthusiasts.
Furthermore, they’ve been privileged to share their knowledge with thousands of creatives via their online courses, unique patterns and workshops.
“Everything is better when shared”
Lastly, one of their more recent ventures is their new Youtube Channel, where they hope to be able to make hand embroidery accessible to all.